Wednesday, December 3, 2014
G : Because I know that pursuing higher education has become your dream for a long time.
And seeing you happy makes me happy.
D : *berkaca-kaca*
But isn't it hard to live separately like this?
G : The good thing is... we learn to be more patient persons :)
Recalling this conversation reminds me that I am here to chase my dream, to be happy, whatever the results are. Thank's heaps, you, for teaching me about being happy and giving me so much happiness.
I LOVE YOU, to the moon back and forth 999,999 million times.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Di dunia ini ada hal-hal yang tak bisa dikatakan. Tersangkut di kerongkongan. Berhenti di ujung lidah.
Penyebabnya bisa jadi banyak hal. Salah satunya karena kurang keberanian. Atau keinginan untuk tidak menyakiti. Padahal dengan tidak mengatakannya, justru melukai diri sendiri.
Jika sudah begini, hambar adalah rasa yang ingin dikejar. Sehingga hal yang tak bisa dikatakan tidak lagi menjadi pikiran.
Atau tidur selama mungkin dan bermimpi mengatakan hal yang tidak bisa dikatakan dalam kenyataan. Bangun-bangun rasanya sudah lega, tak ada lagi beban.
Pengecut, bukan?
Aku kesepian.
Dan perkataan itu hanya tertulis di secarik kertas yang berakhir di kolong meja.
Lalu dunia entah mengapa terlihat lebih berwarna.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
ucapkan selamat datang pada siang-siang penuh kerja keras
sembari menyambut malam-malam dimana mata terpejam tapi otak terus diperas
jangan kira kami berdiam diri
jangan macam-macam, hanya itu pesan kami
janji segera diucapkan
amanat semoga ditunaikan
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Suatu hari di Bulan Agustus
Petualangan Dinci dan Wiwiw :D |
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Alumnus Ramadhan
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Jarak 2
Saat ini ia telah mati suri.
Tapi jangan lupa ada seorang anak haram dari ibu bernama 'jarak', yang kau panggil dia 'abai'.
Dan 'abai' telah berhasil merobek-robek jiwamu yang terlanjur senang atas kematian 'jarak'.
'Abai' bahkan lebih kejam dari 'jarak'. Kau dekat satu sama lain tapi tak saling acuh.
Di antara kepingan hancurnya jiwamu atas perbuatan 'abai', jangan kau lupa bahwa 'jarak' hanya mati suri.
Sebentar lagi ia akan bangkit kembali.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Rindu di Tengah Hujan
Tak ada yang lebih tabah
Dari hujan di bulan juni
Dirahasiakannya rintik rindunya
Kepada pohon yang berbunga itu
Tak ada yang lebih bijak
Dari hujan bulan juni
Dihapusnya jejak-jejak kakinya
Yang ragu-ragu di jalan itu
Tak ada yang lebih arif
Dari hujan bulan juni
Dibiarkannya yang tak terucapkan
Diserap akar pohon bunga itu
Sapardi Djoko Damono, 1989
Canberra dibasahi hujan di akhir musim gugur © 2014 Dini Suryani
Saturday, May 24, 2014
The Story of "Little People" in Indonesian Elections
KPPS could be seen as key actors in “street level” politics in Indonesian electoral system, besides large institutions such as Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) and political parties at the higher level. Their presence is essential to determine the integrity of the election as whole, because votes in general election calculated from each Tempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS) or polling stations that run by KPPS.
Tracing back the history of election in Indonesia, we could learn that the use of ad-hoc groups for organizing elections at the lowest level had been the case since the first election in 1955. Herbert Feith (1999) notes that the 1955 election was organized at the grassroots by Panitia Penyelenggara Pemungutan Suara (PPPS) or the voting organizing committee, which consisted of 15 people for each Tempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS) or polling station. This committee consisted mainly ofvillage officials which were assisted by 3-5 persons known as Pembantu Keamanan Pemungutan Suara (PKPS) or voting security assistants. Interestingly, different from the current election, members of PPPS and PKPS could come from political parties. Although some PPPS and PKPS members were also members of political parties, they were able to demonstrate independent attitude, which resulted in the high degree of fairness and freedom of the 1955 election.
In the New Order, the organizing group for election at the lowest level also called KPPS since its first election in 1971, the same name as today. In carrying out elections, William Liddle (1992) mentioned that the New Order government manipulated all of the election institutions, including KPPS, to win Golkar. A study by Irwan and Adriana in 1995 found more than 82.5 per cent (510 of 618 cases) electoral fraud was committed by member of KPPS (Hidayat 2003). Instead of being resulted from KPPS’ own willingness to support Golkar, the fraud was allegedly caused by the threat of army soldiers who were assigned to monitor election at the village level. Members of KPPS in New Order could be interrogated by the army just because they were joking for not support Golkar.
Photo 1. President Suharto visited a TPS in Jakarta in 1971 Election (Source: Arsip Nasional RI) |
What about KPPS since Reformasi era, specifically during the 2014 election? According to KPU Decree No 3/2013, the KPPS consists of seven persons from the community who manage elections in each TPS. KPPS members are assisted by two other people also from the community who serve as security officers in TPS. These people should be non-partisan. KPPS members derived from the names suggested by village officials. This membership mechanism is actually problematic because providing large authority to village officials in appointing KPPS members can provide some opportunity for nepotism. There were 545,803 TPS in the 2014 legislative election, which means that more than 3 million Indonesians were involved as KPPS in the election throughout the country. Their duties are among others, to execute voting and vote counting at polling stations, to secure the integrity of the ballot boxes after the vote count and after the ballot boxes sealed and to fill in recapitulation reports of vote counting results. These are not easy tasks and very time consuming.
Mardirahardjo (65), father of my colleague, Septi, is one of the members of KPPS in TPS 21 RW 17, Prawirodirjan, Gondomanan sub-district, Yogyakarta. He went home at 06.00 am on Thursday (10/4), after working since 7am the previous day. His TPS is a big one (433 voters, where there is a cap on 500 per TPS) Moreover, because of the open list system, the task of counting votes has become more arduous as members have to count the votes for political party as well as votes for candidates from each party. Since the day of election, Mardirahardjo suffered from a respiratory problem due to fatigue. In West Sumatera, Lampung and Bengkulu some KPPS members died allegedly due to the exhaustion of vote counting ( 10/4).
KPPS members get paid for their service, but it is only around Rp 300,000- Rp 450,000 for work that requires weeks of commitment. In Nunukan of North Kalimantan, KPPS members withdrew from their duties in protest at the small wage they received. In Ende of East Nusa Tenggara province, KPPS members held the ballot boxes hostage as they waited for the payment of their honorariums from the KPU ( 30/3). Despite those incicents, most KPPS members are not concerned about this small fee and seeing it as a form of service to the country.
With that low honorarium, many committees have taken on the initiative to encourage citizens to vote. In Bandung and other places, KPPS members dressed up and built unique structures of the TPS to attract people to exercise their voting rights. Most of these KPPS raised the funds from the community themselves as the KPU only provided Rp 750,000 (around US $ 75) per TPS.
Photo 2. Chinese-costumed KPPS members in one of TPS in Bandung (Source: |
Regardless of the frauds committed by some KPPS members, the active involvement of citizens in the election portrayed a clear picture that the Indonesian democracy is not only run by the political elites. KPPS, which is the lowest level of election apparatus, have played important role in determining the quality of election. They carried out difficult and complex election procedures, with huge risk and small compensation. In future, there should be more appreciation to these “little people”, who are undoubtedly significant democratic players. Honorarium reward to them must be adjusted in order to “professionalize” KPPS. More broadly, the high quality of election requires more modern and mature procedure. Without significant revitalization of election system and procedure, we cannot hope for more clean, free and fair election.
Dini Suryani
A Master of Asia-Pacific Studies student at the Australian National University
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Maka wajar bagi sepuluh, seratus, satu juta, sepuluh juta manusia bertekad menemukan rumahnya masing-masing.
My home is you (Source: |
Friday, May 2, 2014
Melupakan untuk Mengingat
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Maaf dan Terima Kasih
"Pada kesempatan kali ini saya hanya ingin menyampaikan permohonan maaf dan terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada yang dia yang telah menggenggam tangan ayah saya untuk menikahi saya dan menandatangani perjanjian Sighat Taklik yang ada nama saya di dalamnya.
Maaf jika saya telah banyak berbuat salah. Semoga Allah tidak henti memberikan rahmatNya kepada saya untuk menjadi manusia yang terus memperbaiki diri.
Juga, terima kasih telah memilih saya dan berbuat baik pada saya. Terima kasih pula telah mempercayai saya dengan sebaik-baiknya percaya."
Dini-Gery's Engagement Ceremony in Jakarta, 5 January 2013.
© 2013 Fatmawati Mulyadi
Monday, April 21, 2014
Kebaya di Hari Kartini
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Tanpa Nama
Ini tentangmu yang tak boleh disebut namanya
Yang setiap hari kuhanyutkan dalam sungai bernama ingatan
Dan setiap minggu kucemplungkan dalam danau bernama kenangan
Ini tentangmu yang tak boleh disebut namanya
Yang peninggalannya menghiasi rumah bernama kasih sayang
Yang ceritanya menggantung di langit-langit harapan
Tapi aku tak tahu apakah rasaku ini bernama apa
Yang kutahu, aku menikmati saat-saat bersamamu, meski kau pun tak menyadari aku ada
Tapi bukankah yang indah tidak selalu harus bernama?
*untukmu yang selalu hidup dalam ingatanku
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Seleksi Alam
Perempuan Baik untuk Lelaki Baik [QS. An Nuur: 26] (Source: |
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Lake Burley Griffin, Commonwealth Park Canberra © 2014 Dini Suryani |
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
"Hidup itu soal menanti. Juga soal mengisi ruang-ruang kosong dalam interval penantian, baik dengan manusia dan peristiwa."
Jakarta, 24 Desember 2013Aku Membenci Jalanan Jakarta
Yang membuat ugal-ugalan para supir bus kota
Si adik kecil di pangkuan perempuan paruh baya hampir muntah
Entah karena bus berjalan serampangan
Atau karena bau keringat duapuluh tigapuluh orang bersatu padu
Yang panjang sekaligus macet
Membuat argo berlari bagai kuda
Dompetku bergidik
Yang pakai sepeda motor gesit menyalip
Yang pakai mobil mewah sombong dan jumawa
Lalu sepeda motor menyenggol mobil mewah
Supir mobil memaki: GOBLOK!
Yang membuat orang berakal tuna pikir
Orang berhati tuna rasa
Menuju persinggahan dan rumah
Yang setiap tapaknya menumpuk harapan para pengguna jalan
Untuk menuntaskan kerinduan